Ghosn and RPG①


RPG...RPG! I can't believe I've been putting this off until now! It's been a while since the last time I thought of something like this. Well, it happens all the time. Simply put, it's hard to choose, and there's a lot of things that come to mind, so I'll sneak in a few more when I get around to it. For now, I'm going to list a few of my favorite RPGs.

Bells for Frogs, FF IX and Star Ocean 2 were already mentioned last time, so check out that article.

First up is Super Ren ...... Mentioning this brings me to MOTHER2 ......! The song from the TV commercial still echoes in my head. I don't remember much about it these days, but the memories from when I was a kid are really strong. It's a cute, mischievous, and a little scary game that always stuck with me ....... The young Ghosn didn't really understand the system of "Dad has transferred the money to the bank", but in retrospect, this system is really interesting. I still cry when I think of it now when I fight the final boss. ...... By the way, I take Bora's doll with me when I travel or go out. Because ...... it once defended me from an attack ......

I've also gotten really into "Kiwi ~The Monkeys' Treasure Island~". This game changes the gameplay based on who is chosen as the leader of the three best friends! There is a mix of frustration and inspiration, and the puzzle elements are just the right level of difficulty for kids and very fun. The parasitic plants at the time scared me so much I was about to pee, but you can use the mouse to click on the teacher infinitely, so maybe that's skewed towards the adult design ......

Legend of the Holy Sword 2 and Legend of the Holy Sword 3 I really loved too! The story, characters, and music are all really great ...... Ah, I may have mentioned in the last one that my favorite character as a kid was Eko, but visually, the love for small, cute characters may have started with Legend of the Sacred Sword ...... because I had no hesitation in chose Popoy and Charlotte ...... So that's how my ...... sprouted.

Enter the PS period. Fantasy Waterfall II I really liked it ...... I played II right off the bat because I hadn't played a protagonist game without lines before and was really surprised. That is to say, the lines were there ...... I was on the verge of tears. Is my memory correct? And the joy of seeing the companions increase one by one. And the music was really great ......! If there's one thing I regret right now, it's that I got greedy and let Hans never come back and couldn't wait to get through the game with 107 people. Totally my fault.

Moon is also great ...... I was first introduced to the concept of meta meta in Moon. It's a game full of warmth. The music, the catches, and everything else is really cute. It's a game that makes you feel fresh and new. Grandma is my favorite.

The Tale of Popolo Glois is great too~! During the PS period, there were many games like clay animation or colorful hand-drawn style ...... that were as warm as picture books. Really...full of fantasy! Very cute. Narcia is also very cute ...... I've really gotten to know my favorites.

During the PS2 era, it seemed that the number of RPGs played increased a lot at once. Since there were so many more, I'm going to talk about them for now.

Although it is a teacher's walk (in December), we should be careful not to get too tired!

Original text:

RPG...RPGね! RPG ね〜〜〜!! とか思っていたら前回から間が空いてしまいました。 まあこういう事もあります。 つまりは絞るのが難しいというのと、後であれもこれも思い出す事もあると思うのでその時はまたこっそり追記しておきますね。 The first 1~2 good RPGs in Tori Aezu passes through the Hata Hudo, which is a good RPG.

"The Clock is Ringing", "FF IX" and "Sta-Ou-Shion 2" are the previous books that I have read.

Mazu wa sifumi...といえば.....................『MOTHER2』.....! The song of テレビ CM も未だに脳內で再生されます。 The most recent thing is taioshiて覚えてないのに子供の頃の記憶ってすごいね。 可愛くて茶目っ気に溢れてちょっと恐怖くてぽえーんでいつまでも大好きなゲームです.... Young Takamori wa, pappa ga bank ni ojin zhenri gome nido ita kara ne! というシステムがよく分かってなかったんですが今思うと最高に面白いシステムですよね。 ラスボス 戦なんて多分今でも泣いてしまう.... 余談ですがわたしは旅行とか遠出する時にはポーラのぬいぐるみを連れて行ってます。 ほら...1次だけこうげきの身代わりになってくれるので....

The "Mapheeras 〜Moouhitetsu no Treasure Island〜" mokanari ex-meri de tour and mashita. This is the first time I've seen this movie! Zhongliangshi 3-person group of men and sons who をリーダーによってやれる事が変わるんですね! そういう部分でつまずいたりひらめきがあったりで、謎解き要素も子供にはいい塩梅で難しくてかなり面白いゲームでした。 當時寄生植物が怖すぎてちびるかと思いましたが、先生をマウスカーソルで鬼タップ出来る点からももしかしたらちょっと大人向けだったのかもしれない.....

『Saint Gundam 2』『Saint Gundam 3』も大好きでしたね!! ストーリーもキャラクターも音楽も本當に素晴らしく......あっ、わたし前回わたしの幼女はエーコからと書いたかもしれないんですが、ビジュアルとして小さき者が好きになったのは聖剣伝説からかもしれない ....... Why did you lose your mind at that moment and try to make it work with Popoi and Sylotto...? そうだったのか.ここがわたしの....芽生え....

PSに入りまして。 『Fantasy Suikoden II』が...本当に好きで..... いきなりⅡからプレイしたんですが、喋らない主人公のゲームってあまり通ってきてなかったのでかなり驚いたのを覚えてます。 というか台词あるの....そこなんだ? and I...Sobbing. わたしの記憶合ってますかコレ。 It's a great way to increase the number of children in the middle of the day. Ato ni kaku music ga sukarashii...! 今もちょびっとだけ心残りがあるとすれば、金にがめつかったわたしのせいでハンスが永遠に戻ってこなくて彼を待ちきれず107人でクリアした事でしょうか。 Totally にわたしが悪い。

『moon』も最高でしたね.... メタのなジャンルをmoonで初めて知りました。 あったか〜いが詰まったゲームです。 The music is catchy! The music is catchy! Obaachan is great.

『ポロクロイス物語』も最高でしたね〜! PSの時ってクレイアニメとかクレヨン手描きテイストとか.....絵本のようなあったかい雰囲気のゲームが多かった気がします。 Andても.....ファンタジー! Andても可愛い. NARSHIYAもとても可愛い.....わたしの好みがよく分かりますね。

The PS2 and the Preview RPGs have increased in popularity. This time around, we've been able to add a few more RPGs to our collection, and we're looking forward to seeing them again.

Minasan Shidoshi desu ga fatigue rezugi chawanai yoyo overgive shimashょうね!


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