I've always thought, "After Game Boy, it should be Super Nintendo," but recently I saw the program "Nabari Eri Nabari's Awesome! I've been thinking that for a while, but recently on the program "Naju Eri-chan's Awesome! I've been thinking that for a while now, but recently I've been talking a lot about Ultra Game Boy on the program "Naju Eri-chan's Awesome!
You can watch it here.https://m.youtube.com/@voice-lounge
But I apologize if the free part wasn't covered. I'm not sure about my memory ...... But nevertheless, I didn't talk about RPGs at all, so I'll probably write about some of them here later. Pokémon...MOTHER2...all kinds of things ......
Speaking of PS, it suddenly occurred to me that my first love in the secondary world was Chris from The King of Fighters '97, which I played in elementary school. ...... The universal version of Chris is of course innocent and adorable, but Chris from the Yaki team's Inferno Fatalities. ...... This one...is really cute. It's so cute that it's amazing. The way he says "Charmaine!" when he fights with his partner. "Sharp!" Super cute. This is the normal version. But it's also very cute. I liked Chris so much that I started playing KOF like a girl's game. This was probably the first girl game I ever played, even though it wasn't a girl game. ...... Thinking back, I actually played Days of Memories male and female versions on my cell phone, so I actually enjoyed the romance game in KOF as well. The characterization of Asuka on the official website is really interesting, so make sure to check it out.
Also, regarding KOF, I'm rooting for Chris in the Yakuza compilation, and I'm rooting for Kura and K' in the NESTS compilation. But my go-to character is Vyp. Using the whip is adorable. Thinking back, the first time I saw a voice actor's name on a game manual was in KOF, so maybe that's how I learned about voice acting as a profession.
Then, I finally came across Falling in Love Memory 2 on PS ...... That's really ...... I played it ....... Didn't Memento 2 come with 5 disks? It was great that when you bought the game, you got a demo CD of the other games as well. But back to Ai no Memo 2, I really like Ms. Yae too much ......! If I don't increase my favorability, Ms. Yae will drop out of school, so I'm bleeding while I'm raiding the other girls. But Meiji is also very cute, Spike Gun is also very naughty and cute, Violet can't be seen but she also likes it a lot, about "Memory of Love 2", like too many girls, a little ...... busy it ....... Now I remember it is also very busy ...... thanks a lot ......
The RPG I've played the most on PS is Final Fantasy IX. Final Fantasy 9 is probably the only RPG I play week in and week out ...... It's really never tidal ....... Where did you get your maiden from? Mine is from here. U ...... Eko ...... is so sad ...... and cute. Bibi is good too, but really the kids are trying so hard and the worldview, story and characters are fantastic. Eko's cat handball is so cute too ......? Shoot! Falling down after attacking is also the most super cute ...... help ......
On the RPG front, I also really liked Star Ocean: Second Story! Having two main characters with different paths and partners for each point of view was very new at the time. Actually, I couldn't get through it all at the time, but it was only in the remake that came out last year that I was able to get through it for the first time. How many years did it take to get through ......? That's why the remake is so valuable ....... Leon is very cute ...... Although I play Lena, I can't become a partner.
The Night of the Demons was my first experience with audio fiction games. I played it with my friends because I was scared. ...... Until now, I still don't dare to play horror games alone. It's too scary. I remember I found the culprit but he was killed and I was very upset. And the girls were locked in their rooms praying ...... for the first time ......? Don't be ridiculous....... I'd like to play it again now, but it's time to catch the culprits now that it's the Rinwa era ......
Longtime Fantasy is cute too, I like it! The melody is cute. The third installment featured a young girl, Kensa, who I definitely won't dislike, but the third game was so difficult that I was defeated by a normal enemy halfway through. Why ......
Regarding minigames, I also played Crisis Samurai! The music is great, the rhythm is crazy, and it's a very fun game. The music is great, the rhythm is crazy, and it's a really fun game. What are the games you play at home?PS There are a lot of surrealistic games that are fun, like parental spoiling and stuff like that.
There are also games like Monster Farm which took a lot of time! It's hard to get the monsters you want when you're raising them from the CDs you have on hand, but the way the monsters are born seems to be a bit off. I remembered that I was able to generate monsters from CDs, and now I think it's really something new ...... It's awesome ....... It's also fun to share with your friends the information that this CD gave birth to this monster.
There are a lot of other games I've played, but that's all for this time. If I have a chance to write again, I might talk about PS2.......
Original text:
ゲームボーイの次はスーパーファミコンだなと思ってたんですが、ここ最近『なっちゃんえりちゃんのえらい! Sugoi! The group is not a fumigation program, but it's a way to get your message across.
Kochira Karasu→https://m.youtube.com/@voice-lounge
あっけど無料部分で喋ってなかったらすみません。 Memory ga jingka de nai.... とは言え全然RPGの話はしなかったので、それはそれとして別でこに書くかもしれません。 マーヴェラスとか...MOTHER2とか...color 々と....
さてPSの話になるんですけど、突然ですがわたしの二次元の初恋は小学生の時にプレイしたThe KING OF FIGHTERS '97のクリス君といいまして.... ノーマルクリスも勿論無邪気でめちゃカワなんですが、オロチチームの方の炎のさだめのクリス....これがねぇ....可愛いんですねぇ。 And っくりするほど cute. The time of the middle age and the time of the war "シェルミ〜! "や〜Shiro〜!" It's very cute. This is a great way to use your favorite party. De'm cute. クリスが好きすぎるあまり後に出たザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ京は乙女ゲーの気分でプレイしてました。 The first time in my life, I was in a girl's game, and I was in a girl's game, and I was in a girl's game, and I was in a girl's game. ....いや思い返せばガラケーでDays of Memories彼版も彼女版も遊んだので実質KOFで恋愛ゲーム楽しませてもらってました。 The formula site's アッシュのキャラ説明、本當におもしれー男すぎるんで是非見てください。
Chinami ni KOF wa orochi編はクリスを、ネスツ編はクーラとK'を推しておりました。 でも一番よく使ってたキャラはムチ子です。 I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. 思えばゲームの説説書にCVが載っているのを生まれて初めて認したのがKOFなので、わたしが声優という職業を知ったのはKOFからかもしれません。
そして、PSでとうとう出會ってしまったときめきメモリアル2...............それはもうやりました..................... ときメモ2はディスク5枚組とかじゃなかったですか? 當時ゲームを買うと別ゲームの体験版ディスクとかも一緒に入ってたりしてすごく良かったですよね。 話を戻すんですがときメモ2はなにしろ本當に八重さんが...好きで.....! 八重さんは好感度を上げていないと退学していってしまうので、他の子を攻略している時は血の涙oHan_6D99↩を流しながらプレイしてました。 けどメイ様もお嬢様可愛いしほむらもわんぱく可愛いしすみれちゃんも全然会えないけど大好きだしでときメモ2に関しては好きな子が多すぎてちょっと.......忙しいですね... I've been very busy...I'm very thankful....
PSで一一遊んだRPGがファイナルファンタジーⅨです。FF9はわたしの人生で唯一周回プレイしたRPGなんじゃないでしょうか...本当に色褪せない.... あなたの幼女はこから? わたしはこからです。 I'm sorry, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. ビビもなんですが本當にちっちゃい子たちが頑張ってて世界観もお話もキャラも最高すぎて最高です。 エーコのねこの手ラケット可愛すぎか...? Patch! て攻撃した後転ぶのも最強に可愛いです...助けて....
RPGだとスターオーシャン セカンドストーリーも大好きでした! The main characters are 2 people, and they have seen the point of view of the lute and the middle of the day, and the kira is different and I think it's the time to do something about it. The actual time all the クリ out of the work last year out of the リメイクで初めてクリア出ました。 What year is it...? これだからリメイクってありがたい.... レオン可愛いね...レナ編でプレイしちゃって仲間に出なかったんですが。
The night of Kamaitachi is the night of Takamori Hatsumode's sundowner. 恐怖いので友達と一緒に遊んでましたが...いまだにホラーは一人できません。 The terror of it all. The criminal who 辿り着いたのに殺されてしまったのがめちゃくちゃ悔しかったのを覚ええてます。 あと女子達が部屋に籠ってお祈りを...始めて...? I'm going to start...? 今改めてやりたいですね、令和になった今こそ犯人捕まえないと.....
Yuji Fantasia も可愛くて大好きでした! メロディ可愛い...3でまた更紗ちゃんというわたしが好きにならない筈がない幼女が現れるんですが、3はゲーム難易度が高すぎて中盤ザコ敵にやられてました。 Doshi....
ミニゲーム系だととんでもクライシス! The game is a great way to get the most out of the game. Music ga sukaru rashi kuてノリがおばかな楽しすぎる帰宅ゲーです。 Returning home guesthouse and PS or シュールなゲーム ga much to face white kったですよね, せがれいじりとか.
あとはモンスターファームとか時間が溶けましたね...! 手持ちのCDからだと生まれるモンスターが偏りすぎててなかなか欲しいモンスターが手に入らなかったのを覚えてます。 というかCDからモンスターが生まれるの、今考えても斬新だな....すごいな.... Tomodachi and this CDkaraはコレが生まれたとか情報共し合うのがまた楽しいんですよね。
He にも color 々と遊んだゲームはあるんですが今回はこのくらいで。 The second time I've seen it, I've seen it on the PS2.