The year 2024 is almost over.


I remember not too long ago when the new year started and now it's time to celebrate the new year. It's hard to believe that ...... it feels like only a month has passed, but in retrospect, a year has already passed. It's the same every year, it's a common occurrence.

The year 2024 can be summed up in one sentence: "It's a bad year indeed". Things have been lost, things have broken down, and some mysterious discomforts have occurred, so there have been a lot of ups and downs this year. However, ...... is probably the year, so it might not be a good idea to associate everything with a bad year. Even if you don't think of it that way, there is still a feeling that it's a bad year! Even if you don't think so, you can still feel like it's the year of doom, but all in all, I think it's okay to end the year in such a happy way! I also had the chance to travel abroad, and a lot of interesting things happened. It's good to end on a good note.

Every year ...... I actually often think about how grateful I really am for the people around me. To be able to continue to work as a voice actor this year, and to earn the money that allows me and my dog Totchan to enjoy our food, it's all because of the support of all of you, and it makes me deeply grateful. There's really only so much I can do on my own, and all of the productions and programs require the strength of all the people involved to make them happen, so being able to be a part of all of these things has made this year a year filled with gratitude. I hope to continue to be a good gear next year.

And, to those of you who have supported me and left me messages on social media, thank you for your support this year. I don't normally say this, but I'm proud of how friendly everyone in my circle has been. I would be very happy if you all continue to be friendly and supportive. I hope that next year, I can have fun in Goshen's circle and spend every day without stress.

May 2025 be a year filled with joy for all of you and for me. Most importantly, a healthy life for all! Happy New Year to all of you!

Original text:

Tsuyoshi ko ni ni ga ming ke tat and think about it ndesu ga mou mata ni ni koshi desu ni. Shinjiranai...Body sense 1 month Kurai Shikka経ってない気もするし、色々思い返せば1 year Shikari Keizoるわ.....という気にもなります。 Every year, Konami Monika and Konami Mon desu ne.

The year 2024 is the year of the expression "one word" and the year of the "Shikari-Houei". Objects ga lost,壊, enigma of dissonance nado mちゃんと出てきた年でしたがまぁ....これはそういう歳かという感じもあるのでなんでもかんでも厄年と結び付けるのは良くないかもしれないですね。 It's a great way to get the most out of your life, and it's a great way to get the most out of your life! To the end of the year, we will be able to realize that the year has come to an end and we are going to be able to do it! という感じです。 I've been traveling overseas and I'm so happy to see you! I'm glad to see that you've been able to enjoy your trip.

Every year...というかこれは常日頃思っている事なんですが、わたしは本當に人に恵まれていてですね。 The voice actor and the staff are out this year, and Wattashi and Tootsie Chopper are eating delicious food, and the gold is being sold in the market, and there is no reason to be concerned about it. Wattashi ga one person's power to de yare thing nanto this time on taka ga shれているし, all the work of the whole work of the whole group of people are related to the whole of the people's power to unite wazahって 初めて完成するものだと思うので、そういったに関わる事が出来て今年もありがたい気持ちでいっぱいの一年になりました。 In the coming year, we will be able to use a toothbrush with a toothbrush and think about it.

そしてわたしを応援してくださったりSNSでリプなどをくださる方々嚗This year もありがとうございました。 The general public is not only concerned about the security of the area, but also about the security of the area, and the security of the area, and the security of the area. In the coming year, I will be able to enjoy Takamori Sakaikuma's tour with no reason at all.

2025 ga Minasan niとってもわたしにとっても楽しい事が盛り沢山な一年になりますように。 It will be a great year for us! Yoyoi o ni ni o kudasai.


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