It's February already.


Although January was a very busy month resulting in no announcements in the quiet, the year started off on a great note with a super happy announcement. In fact, I'd really like to share a lot of stories about my encounters with the Angels of the Heart, but I think there will be plenty of official opportunities to do so, so be sure to stay tuned! Personally, what made me feel the history and sire bond, and what made me feel especially warm, was that on the day of the announcement, all of the previous generations of Hikari Maidens sent congratulatory messages, which made me feel that... Hikari Maidens... Hikari Maidens... we're all connected! This is amazing... the siren song of the Hikari no Miko... In addition, Ms. Risa Shimizu gave me a bottle of purple wine in the color of my heart as a gift... really... love it... I kept it for a while, and drank it one day after I had worked hard. I drank it one day and it tasted great and was easy on the palate too!

Also, since it wasn't mentioned on X, I'll talk about it here. At the end of last year, I went to a Christmas party at Asarie's house and had a great time! We exchanged gifts, and it felt like the first time since I was a kid outside of work...? Asarie's house always makes me feel at ease, just like my old home. I really wanted to live there. I'm not very good at organizing people's schedules on the day of an event. I'm the type of person who thinks, "Can I really be in charge of this event...? I'm the type of person who thinks, "Can I really be in charge of this event?", so I really appreciated it when my senpai invited me to their home for Christmas. Long live Asarie.... I ate a delicious meal with Emori Mikami and was very satisfied, so in contrast, I chose to spend New Year's Eve quietly at home. I didn't do anything, so I don't have any special memories.

I'm grateful that despite being a bit busy, it seems like this year will be full of opportunities to appear in front of you and to deliver my voice to you, so I hope you'll continue to support me! First of all, please look forward to "You and the Idol Light Beauty♪" starting February 2nd!

Original text:

なんだかんだで1月中はバタバタしてしまいこちらで何も発信出来なかったんですが、年始めから最高に嬉しい発表が出来て幸先の良い年になりました。 This is the current だったらキュアキュンキュンと出会えた話などいっぱいしたいところですが、これについてはきっと色々と公式さんでお話出来る場があると思うので是非そちらを見てみてください. Personal history and I trip over to Atzkazhta, on the day of the presentation, the 歴代のプリキュアさん達が沢山おめでとうの連絡をくださった事ですかね.... プリキュアって...プリキュアって....繋がってるんだ!!.! すごい....プリキュアの絆... あとお祝いに清水理沙さんがキュンキュン色のパープルワインをくださってね..本當に....ラブ.... I'm going to drink it on the day of my visit to the office. 飲みやすくて美味しかった!!

あと今更Xでする話でもないのでこちらで話しますが、年末のクリスマスにはまりえさんのお宅にお邪魔してクリスマスパーティィしたりしてました〜! Iぇいいいぇい. プレゼント交換會とか仕事以外じゃ子供の頃ぶりでは....?? やっぱりまりさんのおうちは実家のような安心感ありますね。 I will live in the house. わたしはイベント當日の人の予定をもらうのがすこぶる苦手で、本當に本當にこのイベントわたしとでええんか....? ってなるタイプなので、クリスマスにおうち呼んで遊んでくれる先輩がいるのは本気でありがたい気持ちでいっぱいです。 Maree fudeboshi.... みかしーとも美味しいもの食べ納めしたりで大満足だったので、反動で大晦日は家でひっそり過ごしてました。 What's the memory of Nasasugi?

ありがたい事になんだかんだで今年もみなさんの前に現れるイベントなども何かとありそうですし、声もお届けする事ができそうなののでみなさんぜひ色々とお付き合いください! まずは2月2日からの『キミとアイドルプリキュア♪」をよろしくお願いします!!


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